Updates from August, 2011

  • How Progressive Disclosure helps Your Price


    7:37 pm on August 27, 2011 | 0 Comment Permalink | Reply

    From the opinions category. This has nothing to do with Your Price.

    spiral staircase

    What’s the term for a UI design pattern where you progressively educate the user about advanced features the more they use a web service?

    Progressive disclosure (More …)

  • Looking for scouts


    7:37 pm on August 27, 2011 | 0 Comment Permalink | Reply

    scouts sharing a phone call

    Your Price is looking for scouts!

    Money aside, the earning opportunities on Your Price add value to their creator, as they can make campaigns for their polls, and to get people to listen to their band. It would be nice if the YPC could add value too, for our members. Lots of members post here about their day and their thoughts, so it would be nice to have something that’s beneficial to the masses for a change.

    (More …)

  • Looking for councillors


    7:37 pm on August 27, 2011 | 0 Comment Permalink | Reply

    dandelions flying away

    Your Price is looking for councillors!

    Councillors are a part of the YPC. First things first, council members don’t get paid! That would cause Your Price to be skewed. If you want to be a councillor, you only do it for the love. I don’t want people applying to be councillors just for the benefits, and you don’t want me paying you less money once Your Price gets more members. This is the commitment to our users that we strike. We’re not here to exploit anyone. (More …)

  • Helping Romania


    7:37 pm on August 27, 2011 | 1 Comment Permalink | Reply

    From the stories category. Tells what I've learnt about people.

    Romania suburbs

    Never did I ever think I would see the possibility of having my future end on the very same day I get accepted for university. Never could I think that a degree meant nothing, and that my seventeen years of education would be considered worthless. Back then I hadn’t even applied to university yet, and I was happily getting my education. And I don’t live in Romania. (More …)

  • Why the world will never be fair


    7:12 pm on August 27, 2011 | 0 Comment Permalink | Reply

    From the opinions category. This has nothing to do with Your Price.

    musical chairs

    Someone on Quora asked if the world is fair. What a stupid question! Here’s the answer I came up with.

    Why would you ask this question, considering that the world could be somehow be fair?

    If you watch the news and hear about someone being murdered, that does not make the world unfair. A minority of people murdering cannot make a world unfair. What makes the world unfair, is that it runs on a system that can never be perfect, of which not everyone can be rich, or have a good job. (More …)

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