dandelions flying away

Your Price is looking for councillors!

Councillors are a part of the YPC. First things first, council members don’t get paid! That would cause Your Price to be skewed. If you want to be a councillor, you only do it for the love. I don’t want people applying to be councillors just for the benefits, and you don’t want me paying you less money once Your Price gets more members. This is the commitment to our users that we strike. We’re not here to exploit anyone.

Once you’ve proven yourself to any YPC members (they have coloured bars under their names), your devotion to Your Price, reply to this post asking to be a councillor, and I’ll decide if you can join. Existing councillors can reply to those requests to and influence me, so be nice. 😉 Once you’re a councillor, you get to…

  • Manage the Your Price twitter account. I don’t ever touch it – often.
  • Add Your Price members to msn to chat and collect customer feedback for me.
  • Receive free gift-only ycrow vouchers. You cannot redeem them yourself.
  • Have an orange tag next to your avatar on the YPC, and the ability to post blog posts with images and categories like I can.
YPC Roles

Here's what the YPC will look like with your help