Updates from August, 2011

  • Helping Romania


    7:37 pm on August 27, 2011 | 1 Comment Permalink | Reply

    From the stories category. Tells what I've learnt about people.

    Romania suburbs

    Never did I ever think I would see the possibility of having my future end on the very same day I get accepted for university. Never could I think that a degree meant nothing, and that my seventeen years of education would be considered worthless. Back then I hadn’t even applied to university yet, and I was happily getting my education. And I don’t live in Romania. (More …)

  • Reducing friction with ifumes


    8:30 am on March 8, 2011 | 0 Comment Permalink | Reply

    From the stories category. Tells what I've learnt about people.

    coloured fumes

    Running Your Price as well as being an experiment, is also a learning process for me. The things I learn along the way, I put into the stories blog category, to take you on a journey of exploration like me. Running Your Price, I learnt a lot of things about people, society, and usability. Back when I was running Your Price for 4 months last year, as well as dealing with an avid marxist, I also learnt about increasing conversions, using my own made up set of guidelines called ifumes. Before I get into what ifumes are, I’ll explain to you my thinking process. (More …)

  • The Avid Marxist


    7:59 am on March 8, 2011 | 1 Comment Permalink | Reply

    From the stories category. Tells what I've learnt about people.


    Last year in 2010, I ran Your Price v1 for 4 months, and I learnt a lot about business and handling people online, for that time. I’m sure I didn’t learn any social skills, but I learnt something about people. I’ve learnt that when you handle people’s money, you also learn about the people you give the money to. I don’t know why, but that’s the way it is. (More …)

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